Bump In The Night

April 3, 2009

Does anyone else remember the MOST FANTASTIC show EVER from when we were kids?
Well, Im sure there are differences in opinion, but for me, it was definately Bump In The Night.
I was glued to the screen every Saturday morning when it came on ABC during the Saturday morning cartoon line up.
It unfortunately only ran for two seasons in 1994 and 1995. It broke my little kid heart, but those two seasons will be epic in claymation history.
Bump In The Night was created by David Bleiman and Ken Pontac.

The three main characters reside within a ten-yea-old boys house. Mr. Bumpy (Jim Cummings) a small green monster covered in purple warts that lives under the boy’s bed and enjoys eating dust bunnies and socks, Squishington (Rob Paulson) a blue monster that is made of goo that resides in the toilet tank of the bathroom, and Molly Coddle (Gail Matthius) who is a thrown together rag doll belonging to the boy’s sister. Each episode the characters would go through an adventure, fight a villian, and at the end perform a musical montage explainging the life lessoned learned from thier adventure.

I realised the otherday how much i truly missed this show and spent hour on youtube surfing videos of the episodes. I implore you, if you were a poor sap that missed out on this show while it was on tv, or if you loved it as much as i did, check out youtube and the vidoes available to watch. Throw on your pajamas, grab a bowl of cereal and relive those childhood Saturday mornings again.
Lists of episodes are available in multiple locations.

Also, If you are interested:
Bump In The Night: Night Of The Living Bread
and Bump In The Night: Twas The Night Before Bumpy are both available on Amazon.com.

3 Responses to “Bump In The Night”

  1. J said

    Oh my god I forgot about that show. I just watching an episode and do miss it so.

  2. Josselyn said

    oh my god Jenee! I totally remember this show!

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