Debutante ball

May 8, 2009

A major part of the high society life in Victorian London and in turn a major part in all the Bridgertons’ lives, were debutante balls.


“Debutante” is french for “debuter” which basically means “to lead off”.

The reason to throw a debutante ball is to introduce a girl between the ages of 16 and 18 to society as a woman. Another main reason to throw a debutante ball is to let it be known that the woman is eligible and is seeking a marriage proposal.

All of the eligible and rich bachelors are invited to attend in hopes one or multiple will become infatuated. In addition, debutante balls were a way to show how high in society you were so the more “need to know” upper echelon members in attendance, the better.

Debutante balls are still held in modern days in certain places.

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